About us
ParkMan is an international team of professionals who share the passion for developing a world-class product and providing great service to our clients.

Our story
The story of ParkMan starts with 4 friends that met in university circles. They envisioned a service where you wouldn't have to pay for parking with coins. First came a website. Soon, however, it was evident that not many people carry their laptops in their cars. Another idea was needed and came to fruitition: an App you could use with your smartphone! This happened back in 2011 and now the ParkMan App is available in multiple countries. Along the way new products have been launched, many lessons learned and a unique team-spirit created.
Our team
The strength and heart of a company lies within its employees. How can we make a product that creates that WOW-effect? How do we solve an issue in our business client's invoice? Both the answer and the manner with which the question is solved is dependent on how motivated and happy our employees are.
Our unique advantage is the culture and team-spirit we've created. We take pride in not being bureaucratic but low on hierarchy, agile and flexible.
The ParkMan team consists of professionals from seven nationalities with rich backgrounds in their respective fields.

Ownership. We believe that each task, product and area of responsibility should have an owner. We try to avoid situations where one has to say "somebody was supposed to do it". Instead, we make sure that somebody is responsible. This way we create trust within the company and especially deliver what is promised to our clients.
Team first. The only way we move forward is together. Here at ParkMan we put the team first: we help each other and make sure that everybody can succeed. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is did we do it, not who did it.
Constant learning and change. In a constantly changing world we also must change. To bring about change, new skills and ideas must come forth. We believe in education and investing in our employees. Our goal is to offer our employees possibilities to be better at their work when it's their time to go for the next challenge in their career. To insure this there's a yearly educational budget and workshops for our employees.

Code of Conduct
We believe that every person and every interaction counts. Our guiding principle is every employee and clients is important. The approach is condensed to following code of conduct:
- Respect each other
- Communicate openly
- No tolerance for bullying
- No tolerance for harrasment
- No tolerance for racism

Want to work with us?
Se our open positions.